Smarthosting and POP3 Retrieval - Configuration required to setup standard edition as an intermediate mail server

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Smarthosting and POP3 Retrieval - Configuration required to setup standard edition as an intermediate mail server

Post by ngeorgopoulos »

Hi, I need some help regarding the configuration of mailenable standard edition as an intermediate mail server. Let me introduce some basic needs, facts and requirements:
  • I am working in a small Greek governmental agency (70 PCs with Windows XPs, 7s & 10s). So far the client PCs use MS Outlook to connect to ISP's (Greek Educational Network) POP3 & SMTP mail server but I fed up backing up PST files from user's PC and I decided to apply a central managed solution on our premises using a mail server.
  • Mail accounts so far correspond to departments not to employees so they are 10 in total.
  • We face another important restriction from our ISP: We cannot use SMTP server in our premises because our ISP prohibits its usage. We must use our ISP's SMTP server. So we must use some kind of smarthosting - relaying to the ISP's SMTP.
  • I am running Windows Server 2012 R2 on the PC which is going to be appointed as mail server. Let me point out that have no Domain up running and we are still using Workgroups.
  • So I want to setup a intermediate like a middle-man mail server to keep all incoming and outgoing email messages at one central-managed place in our premises.No more need to backup separate Outlook PST files on user's PCs.
Now let me specify briefly the requirements:
  • Mailenable must be able to keep-backup ALL INCOMING / OUTGOING Messages even when smarthosting to ISP's SMTP.
    Mailenable must be able to receive all incoming messages through ISP's POP3 service like a Remote POP3 for each one of the ISP's accounts (10 in total).
  • Mail server must be able to relay messages to ISP's SMTP server but simultaneously to keep outgoing message in some place! The relaying must be done per account basis. For example message A must be relayed through account whereas message B must be relayed through account
  • Preferably Employees/Users should access their mail through the webmail client and not by using MS Outlook. For example the web mail client should allow all employees of Department A to send and receive email through ISP's A email account. Likewise all employees of Department B to send and receive email through ISP's B email account.
A mapping could like this:

ISP's SMTP / POP3 / IMAP <--internet--> Router <--intranet--> MailEnable <--intranet--> Local Clients (Webmail or Outlook)

So my questions (for Standard Edition) are:
  • Smarthosting: Can mail server be configured to smathost-relay message from a specific Local Account A to ISP's A Remote Account and accordingly from a specific Local Account B to ISP's B Remote Account? If yes, please give some directions. I think this could be accomplished by creating multiple domains same in number as the different smarthosting emails. Is this correct?
  • POP3 Retrieval: How should I configure mail reception between my mail server and ISP's Mail server? Can a Local Account A be configured to receive messages from a specific ISP's A Remote Account and a Local Account B be configured to receive messages from another ISP's B Remote Account using appropriate authentication credentials? I noticed POP3 Retrieval connector available at Enterprise Edition. Is there any alternative on Standard Edition?
  • Is there any way to configure smarthosting-relaying but at the same moment to keep a copy of all outgoing email messages in mail server? If yes how? If no is there any workaround to achieve this? I could setup an account for this .
Thanks in advance for any help
Georgopoulos Nikos

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Re: Smarthosting and POP3 Retrieval - Configuration required to setup standard edition as an intermediate mail server

Post by myourchisin »

I can't answer all of your questions, but I can tell you that one specific requirement you are looking for: Keeping local copies of messages inbound/outbound, requires filters in place in the Message manager. I know this because an I.T. company I was be employed at had me set this up on their Enterprise version of ME.

With that being said the ability to set up filters in the Standard version is non-existent. There may be a way of implementing this, but you'll probably be looking for, or writing custom scripts outside of ME to do so. This requirement alone will necessitate the need to look at ME pro / Enterprise as your solution.

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