How to encrypt MailEnable mailbox passwords in a clustered configuration and using an external database for MailEnable configuration repository.


This article explains how to encrypt mailbox passwords in a clustered configuration when using an external database to store the MailEnable configuration. The article only applies to a clustered configuration that is already using an external database.


Before starting a change to encrypted passwords, make sure you perform a backup of the MailEnable database.

In order to encrypt mailbox passwords when using an external database, the first step is to revert back to tab delimited files.

Reverting one clustered server back to tab delimited files:

1. Ensure that all the MailEnable services and MailEnable web application pools are stopped on all the servers in the cluster.
2. Select one of the clustered servers that will be used to encrypt the mailbox passwords and navigate within the MailEnable program group under: Windows Start > All Programs > Mail Enable > System Tools and open the MailEnable "Provider Migration utility".
3. Click the "Tab Delimited Files" row and the click "Initialize". This will clear all the tab delimited configuration files.
4. Click the "Populate" button to populate the tab delimited files from the database tables.
5. Click the "Activate" button.

Encrypt passwords:

1. Run the MailEnable administration program and right click the Messaging Manager item in the left panel treeview. Select the Properties from the popup menu.
2. Click the Security tab and click Encrypt Passwords.
3. You will be prompted for a key to enter. Enter one and finish the encyrpt password wizard.

Exporting the MailEnable encryption key:

1. Open the Windows "Regedit" application and navigate to the following MailEnable registry branch:

64-bit Windows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Mail Enable\Mail Enable\Providers\Authentication
32-bit Windows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mail Enable\Mail Enable\Providers\Authentication

2. Click on the "authentication" key and select the File->Export menu item. Specify a file name for the registry export. I.e.: Encryptionkeyexport.reg

Importing the MailEnable encryption key to other clustered servers:

1. Copy the exported encryption key export to the other servers in the cluster.
2. Import the registry file via regedit or simply double clicking on the .reg file. The encryption key needs to be the same on all the servers.

Migrating the tab delimited file configuration back to the external database:

1. Navigate within the MailEnable program group under: Windows Start > All Programs > Mail Enable > System Tools and open the MailEnable "Provider Migration utility".
2. Click either the "SQL Server" or "MySQL" item depending which database your migrating the configuration to and then click "Initialize".
3. Click on the "Populate" button to populate the tab delimited files from the database tables.
4. Click the "Activate" button then start all the MailEnable services.
5. Start all the MailEnable services on all clustered servers.

Product:MailEnable (Ent-Any)
Class:HOWTO: Product Instructions
Revised:Wednesday, May 4, 2016