How to add your own background graphic to webmail


The background photos on the webmail client login page can be disabled or modified.


Web administration can be used to disable the background photos displayed on the webmail login page. You can also enable or disable this using the RegEdit program by changing the following registry key:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Mail Enable\Mail Enable\Services\WEBMAIL\Options]
"Show Login Wallpaper"=dword:00000001

Additional photos can be shown by adding JPEG images to the following directory:

Mail Enable\bin\NETWebMail\Plugins\backgrounds

You will also need to add a smaller version of the background to the directory below. The login page will initially show the small graphic and load the larger one after the page is loaded, so as to avoid it slowing down a login:

Mail Enable\bin\NETWebMail\Plugins\backgrounds\small

The images provided in the installation kits are 1920x1080 for the large images and 96x54 for the small images. The images are resized to fit the window.



Class:HOWTO: Product Instructions
Revised:Thursday, July 5, 2018