How to create a Virtual Directory for web mail with a name other than MEWebMail?


How to change the web mail path of sites to use an alternate virtual directory name to /MEWebmail.


Note: Please do not mail support on this issue as using a path other than /MEWebmail is not supported. MailEnable leverages IIS and it is advisable to review the respective reference material to establish how to best integrate and accommodate MailEnable using the /MEWebmail virtual directory.

Explanations of how this can be achieved follow:
Before following the instructions outlined in this article, explore the options outlined in the following article:

STEP 1: Setting the password for the IME_USER account
Firstly, set the password for the IME_USER account. This only needs to be done if the password is not already known.

1. From the Desktop right click on My Computer and select Manage.
2. Expand Computer Management\System Tools\Local Users and Groups and right click on the User IME_USER and reset the password for this account.

STEP 2: Create start.asp
Next, copy the default.asp file to start.asp to ensure that any future changes are not overwritten.

1. Use Explorer to navigate to C:\Program Files\Mail Enable\BIN\WebMail
2. Copy the default.asp file by highlighting it and pressing control-C to copy
3. Paste the file back into the directory by pressing control-V
4. Select the file called Copy of default.asp and rename it to be called start.asp

STEP 3: Creating the Virtual Directory
Next, create the virtual directory under IIS

1. Open the Internet Service Manager from (Start|Programs|Administrative Tools)
2. Right click the desired web site and select New|Virtual Directory. Select Next
4. Enter alias name: (e.g. Mail).  Select Next
6. For the directory enter C:\Program Files\Mail Enable\BIN\WebMail  Select Next
8. Ensure the access permissions are Read and Run Scripts (which are the defaults). Select Next
10. Select Finish
11. Right click on the new virtual directory and select Properties.
12. Select Documents
13. Select Add
14. Enter start.asp as the Default document name. Select OK
16. Highlight start.asp and ensure that it is moved to the top of the list. Select Apply
18. Click the Directory Security tab and unclick the option for Integrated Windows Authentication. Select Apply.
19. Select Edit for Anonymous Access and authentication control
20. Ensure that anonymous access is checked (it will be by default) and Click on the corresponding Edit button
21. Enter the IME_USER as the username with the password you set earlier
22. Ensure that you check the Allow IIS to control password option
23. Select OK to close all open windows (there should be 3 of them).
24. Use the web browser to attempt to access the new virtual directory that has been created.

Note: If you decide to make changes to MailEnable (like those outlined in this article) then you do so at your own risk. MailEnable cannot support customisations to the product in this nature. This is especially the case with any modifications to the ASP files used by web mail or web admin. This article ensures that changes are made to start.asp and that the existing code base remains unchanged - hence reducing the possibility of problems when upgrades are deployed.

If you do not want to use an alias at all and want to allow access to then you will need to set the following registry key:

Key Path: SOFTWARE\mail enable\mail enable\Services\webmail\Options
Value Name: ForceRootPath
Value Type: DWORD
Value Settings:

1 = Force MailEnable to allow the root of a web site to be used for web mail
0 = Normal Behaviour

Note: If this flag is set, sites configured to use /webmail will no longer work. If you require both to work, use Option 1 as outlined in this article:

If the value is set for ForceRootPath, the web server will need to be restarted for it to take effect.


How to provide an alternate URL to access MailEnable Web Applications (web admin and web mail)?:

Product:MailEnable (Pro-Any Pro-1.X Ent-Any Ent-1.X)
Class:HOWTO: Product Instructions
Created:16/06/2003 8:53:00 PM
Revised:Wednesday, May 4, 2016