Using the MailEnable Installer (MEInstaller) Utility


The MEInstaller is a utility that is used to reset components and file permissions. It can be found in the "BIN" directory of MailEnable.

The default location for the application is: C:\Program files (x86)\Mail Enable\BIN\MEInstaller.exe


Common Installation

Problems: IME_USER and IME_ADMIN rights, folder permissions.

Using the MailEnable MEInstaller.exe utility to set default permissions:

1. Using Explorer, browse to the C:\Program files (x86)\Mail Enable\BIN directory and double-click on the file called "MEInstaller.exe".
2. Select "Common Installation (File Permissions)".
3. Select the Execute button and wait for the permissions and other items to be set.
4. Select the "View log" button to check if there were any errors during updating. If there are any errors during the updating process, please search the MailEnable Knowledge Base articles for error code explanations.
5. Close the application and see if it has rectified the problem.

WEBMAIL Components

Problem: Web mail ASP errors, web mail folder permissions, COM+, IIS errors, Windows credentials.

Using the MailEnable MEInstaller.exe utility to re-register Webmail components:

1. Using the Explorer, browse to the C:\Program files (x86)\Mail Enable\BIN directory double-click on the file called "MEInstaller.exe"
2. Select "Web mail Installation (File permissions, User rights, COM+, IIS) to be refreshed.
3. Select the execute and wait for the components to be refreshed.
4. Select the "View log" button to check if there were any errors during the updating (If there are any errors during the updating process, please search the MailEnable Knowledge Base articles for error code explanations.
5. Close the application and see if it has rectified the problem.

WEBADMIN Components

Problems: Web administration ASP errors, web admin folder permissions, COM+, IIS errors, Windows credentials

Using the MailEnable MEInstaller.exe utility to re-register web administration components.:

1. Using the Explorer, browse to the C:\Program files (x86)\Mail Enable\BIN directory and double-click on the file called "MEInstaller.exe"
2. Select "WebAdmin Installation (File Permissions, User rights, COM+,IIS)".
3. Select the Execute button and wait for the components to be refreshed.
4. Select the "View log" button to check if there were any errors during the updating. If there are any errors during the updating process, please search the MailEnable Knowledge Base articles for error code explanations.
5. Close the application and see if has rectified the problem.

Administration Program (MMC Components)

Problem: After upgrading MailEnable or applying some hotfixes you may receive errors when using the Administration program. These errors are typically reported as "IMMCPropertyPage_Initialize" or "Type Mismatch" errors.

Using the MailEnable MEInstaller.exe utility to re-register Administration program components.:

1. Using the Explorer, browse to the c:\Program files\Mail Enable\BIN directory double-click on the file called "MEInstaller.exe".
2. Select "Re-Register MMC components" to be refreshed.
3. Select the execute button and wait for the components to be refreshed
4. Select the "View log" button to check if there were any errors during the updating (If errors were encountered, please search the MailEnable Knowledge base article for error code explanations).
5.Close the application and see if this has rectified the problem.


Low level: In low application protection, the spawned application (for example, a PERL script) will run in the same address space of the Web Services (Inetinfo.exe, that is, IIS itself), which is impersonated as the Anonymous user of the Web site. However, an *.exe application spawned from the script, runs in SYSTEM context and hence gets full control of the physical server. This is why low application protection is discouraged in shared hosting environment. 

1. Using the Explorer, browse to the C:\Program files (x86)\Mail Enable\BIN directory double-click the "MEInstaller.exe" utility.
2. Select "Set IIS application protection (Low > In process) to set the IIS application protection to low level (Not recommended for Mailenable).
3. Select the execute button and wait for the setting to be changed.
4. To check that the setting has been changed to "Low level".
    - Go to Control panel>Administrative Tools>Internet Information Services.
    - Expand the computer name in the tree in the left hand side window.
    - Expand "Default Web site".
    - Right-click MEWebmail, and check that the application protection is set to low.


Medium Level:  This is introduced in IIS 5.0. All spawned applications use the same "dllhost.exe" thus sharing address space amongst themselves, although separate from Inetinfo.exe. This is a balance between security and performance in a shared hosting environment and hence the most popular choice. Spawned processes (scripts) run in Anonymous user context. All executables spawned from scripts will run in IWAM_machinename context (same as High isolated).
1. Using the Explorer, browse to the C:\Program files (x86)\Mail Enable\BIN directory double-click the "MeInstaller.exe" utility.
2. Select "Set IIS application protection (Medium > Pooled)
3. Select the execute button and wait for the setting to be changed.
4. To check that the setting has been changed to "Medium Level".
    - Go to Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Internet Information Services.
    - Expand the computer name in the tree in the left hand side window.
    - Expand "Default Web Site".
    - Right-click MEWebmail, and check that the application protection is set to Medium.


High Isolated: In high application protection, each spawned application runs in a separated address space of dllhost.exe. One separate dllhost.exe process is dedicated to each Web site, which serves all the requests for that site. This achieves maximum security in a shared hosting environment, although this comes with a performance price. Spawned processes (scripts) run in Anonymous user context. All executables spawned from scripts will run in IWAM_machinename context.

1. Using the Explorer, browse to the C:\Program files (x86)\Mail Enable\BIN directory double-click the "MEInstaller.exe" utility.
2. Select "Set IIS application protection (High > Isolated).
3. Select the Execute button and wait for the setting to be changed.
4. To check that the setting has been changed to "High isolated".
    - Go to Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Internet Information Services.
    - Expand the computer name in the tree in the right hand side window.
    - Expand "Default Web Site".
    - Right-click MEWebmail, and check that the application protection is set to High Isolated.

NOTE: Recommended IIS application protection is "HIGH ISOLATED".


Error in CreatePackage -2147023170 Method '~' of object '~' failed when running the MEInstaller:

When using MEInstaller to install web mail or web admin "Error in CreatePackage -2146368492" occurs:

Product:MailEnable (All Versions)
Class:HOWTO: Product Instructions
Revised:Tuesday, November 12, 2019