MailEnable - Refund Policy


MailEnable provides an extensive evaluation period of 2 months from the current release.

The following should be considered before requesting refunds from MailEnable...
  1. The evaluation time is reset when upgrading between major releases during evaluation.
  2. Core MailEnable functionality is also available to mail users should the software expire.

MailEnable has taken a very liberal approach on its product licensing and provides reasonably flexible evaluation terms.

Circumstances Where MailEnable Will Honour Refund Requests

MailEnable will honour any reasonable purchase refund requests, but does require that the reasons are clearly nominated.

MailEnable will honour refund requests where...
  1. The purchase transactions is fraudulent
  2. The software is unreasonably able to perform the functions as outlined on the MailEnable web site

Circumstances MailEnable Will Not Honor Refund Requests

MailEnable will not honour product refund requests where...
  1. More than 30 days have elapsed since the date of payment
  2. No valid reason for the refund has been supplied

Note: Criteria for not honouring refunds takes precedence over the criteria for honouring refunds. Any bank or similar transfer fees associated with performing a refund will be deducted from the amount initially received for the product purchase. Any bank, exchange or other fees you are charged from your bank or credit card company are not able to be refunded.