Lsass High Memory Usage Issue With IMAPS

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Lsass High Memory Usage Issue With IMAPS

Post by Ptarver »

Ok, I'm sure I'll get roasted for this but I have MailEnable 10.49 running on a Windows Server 2008 R2 which I am not in a position to upgrade for now. But up until recently I've not run into any problems. After I renewed the SSL Certificate for the server, (MailEnable was at version 10.47 at the time), I began to notice that LSASS was grabbing and holding more and more memory as the days went by. At the time, I thought it was caused by something else but after much testing to find the memory leak, I found that if I stopped the IMAPS service, the memory usage would drop and as soon as I restarted IMAPS, then LSASS would gradually start using more and more RAM.

I've not had any problems like this in the past so I'm open to any suggestions. I've tried all of the information I've found in previous posts about this and I've scanned the system for malware until I'm blue in the face. I'm pretty certain since I can replicate the problem by stopping and starting the IMAPS service, this is were the problem resides, but not sure what to do about it now.

Constructive help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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Joined: Thu Nov 01, 2007 5:28 pm

Re: Lsass High Memory Usage Issue With IMAPS

Post by Ptarver »

After watching this for a few days now, I feel like it has something to do with the debug error:

Accept Security Context failed with error code 80090327

which is followed by this:

[3392] End of conversation. Removing connection. Session=1019553552

There seems to be some correlation between the speed at which these items appear in the debug log and the speed of increase in the lsass memory usage. I get that the SSL failure is likely due to Windows 2008 Server R2 not supporting the later versions of TLS, but is it possible that when the session is terminated, MailEnable isn't releasing the memory in LSASS?

Not sure, but want to provide this update in case it helped.
Paul Tarver
Tarver Program Consultants, Inc.

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