Manually creating Internet Information Services (IIS) Virtual Directories for web mail


This article explains how to manually create Internet Information Services (IIS) virtual directories for web mail.

NOTE: This article only applies to version 1 and 2 of MailEnable Professional and Enterprise for the ASP version of the web mail interface.


When web mail is installed, a virtual directory called 'mewebmail' is created under the "default website" (or whichever site was specified during the installation) This site can be accessed by using: http://machinename/mewebmail or

MailEnable also provides an option within the web mail properties window to install web mail to other websites under IIS. The following article contains more information:

In some cases, it may be necessary to manually create web virtual directories. This may be needed if a problem incurred during the installation or to add a virtual directory to other web sites that are configured under IIS using the MailEnable administration console web mail properties option.

The following instructions describe how to manually create IIS directories :

  1. Navigate to the MailEnable BIN folder and locate the "meinstaller.exe" utility.
  2. Run the utility and execute Option 2 - Web mail Installation / Reconfiguration. Option 2 will prompt for a new password that will be used for the IME_ADMIN and IME_USER MailEnable accounts.

NOTE: Ensure to write down or copy the new password within a .txt file as it will be required later in the following steps.

Creating a Virtual directory for Web mail in IIS 5/6

  1. Open the Internet Information Services Manager from Start >Programs >Administrative Tools.
  2. Select the Default Web Site and right click, selecting New > Virtual Directory. Enter the Alias as MEWebMail. Select Next.
  3. Use the browse button to select the Mail Enable\Bin\WebMail directory. Select Next.
  4. Accept the default "Access Permissions" for the Virtual Directory (Read, Run Scripts) Select Next to finish the Wizard.
  5. Right click on the "MEWebMail" Virtual Directory (which should now appear in the list) and select properties and then navigate to the "Directory Security" tab.
  6. Select the "Edit" button within the "Anonymous access and authentication control" section and  ensure that anonymous access is checked (it will be by default) and select the corresponding "Edit" button.
  7. Enter the IME_USER as the username with the password that was set earlier using the "meinstaller.exe" utility.
  8. Check the 'Allow IIS to control password' option.
  9. Select OK to close all open windows (there should be 3 of them).
  10. Open the web browser on the server, enter http://machinename/mewebmail or

 Creating a Virtual directory for Web mail in IIS 7

  1. Open the Internet Information Services Manager from Start > All Programs > Control Panel > Administrative Tools.
  2. Expand "Sites". 
  3. Select the "Default Web Site" and right click, select "Add Virtual Directory".
  4. Next specify the "alias", "MEWebmail" in the alias field.
  5. Select the "..." button and select: Mail Enable\Bin\WebMail
  6. Click the "Connect as" button and tick the option "specify user". Next click on the "Set.." button and specify the "IME_USER" account as the username and use the password that was specified in the "meinstaller" utility. Click ok and then ok again to close the "connect as" window.
  7. Next click ok to create the virtual directory.
  8. Once created right click on the new virtual directory and select the option "Convert to application".
  9. Open the web browser on the server, enter http://machinename/mewebmail or

Product:MailEnable (Pro-Any Pro-1.X Ent-Any Ent-1.X)
Class:HOWTO: Product Instructions
Created:3/03/2003 2:05:00 PM
Revised:Wednesday, May 4, 2016