What are list commands and how do users subscribe and unsubscribe to MailEnable lists?


How users subscribe and unsubscribe to MailEnable lists.


Users can subscribe to lists by sending a mail message to the list address with the keyword "subscribe" as the subject. A confirmation message can be sent from the list server containing a confirmation code that is needed to confirm the subscription. Once the notification containing the confirmation code is received, the user replies to the email without altering the notification message in order to confirm the subscription.

Similarly members can unsubscribe from the list by sending a message to the list with "unsubscribe" in the subject.

* Typing 'help' in the subject will provide a list of supported list commands. By default, the list HELP command is disabled. The HELP command needs to be enabled for the list in order to have the automated help response dispatched by the list.


How to specify the password for a password protected list: http://www.mailenable.com/kb/content/article.asp?ID=ME020108

How do moderated lists work?: http://www.mailenable.com/kb/content/article.asp?ID=ME020128

Product:MailEnable (All Versions)
Module:List Server
Class:INF: Product Information
Created:2/04/2003 2:16:00 PM
Revised:Wednesday, May 4, 2016