Explanation of web mail registry settings


Explanation of the web mail registry settings.


The registry keys used to configure web mail can be found under the following location:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mail Enable\Mail Enable\Services\WEBMAIL\Options

Explanations of these keys are provided below:

Value Name Value Type Description and Setting
PreviewHTML DWORD This setting determines whether the Preview Pane should display HTML mails.
Mailbox Redirection DWORD This setting determines whether the mailbox redirection option is available through web mail.
Auto Response DWORD This option determines whether users can configure auto replies from within web mail.
DisplayImagesInline DWORD This option allows you to display graphic images inline with text when viewing mail messages.
POP Retrieval DWORD This option allows you to configure whether POP Retrieval
Hyperlinks DWORD This option determines whether web mail will convert textual web references into hyperlinks.
Directory DWORD This option determines whether the Postoffice directory is used (Future).
CanEditDisplayName DWORD This option determines whether a web mail user can edit their display name within their web mail client.
UseDisplayName DWORD This option is used to determine whether the display name is used when messages are sent via web mail.
MessagesPerPage DWORD This option defines how many messages are viewed in web mail's message list. (Default is 15)
MessageListSize DWORD This option defines the size of the HTML frame that is used to list messages in web mail. (Default is 270)
ForceRootPath DWORD This option configures web mail to not require the /MeWebMail virtual directory. This is a system wide option.


MailEnable developers resource site: http://www.mailenable.com/developerresources.asp

Product:MailEnable (Pro-Any Pro-1.X Ent-Any Ent-1.X)
Class:INF: Product Information
Revised:Wednesday, May 4, 2016