After a few minutes, session timeout errors occur when accessing version 1 Web mail


This knowledgebase article explains how to edit the MailEnable Web mail session timeout registry keys to accomadate session timeout problems.

NOTE: This article only applies to version 1 of the MailEnable Web mail interface.


Session timeout errors after a few minutes when accessing web mail.


Before following this procedure, reconfirm the procedures outlined here (validating both the ASP script timeout and the Session Timeout).

Script Timeout:
Session Timeout:

If the error still occurs then the following MailEnable registry keys can be altered:

MailEnable has the ability to configure two specific timeouts in relation to IIS. These are referred to as the session timeout and script timeout values. They are configured when a mail user first loads the web mail application.

The setting for the script timeout is typically not related to session timeout issues. In any case, the default value for the script timeout is 30 minutes, and can be changed via the registry. The value for the IIS MMC can also be configured (which will override the setting MailEnable applies).

The setting can be configured under via the following registry key:

KeyRoot: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mail Enable\Mail Enable\Services\WEBMAIL\Options
KeyName: ScriptTimeout
Recommended Value: 1800 (1800 seconds :: 30 minutes)
Notes: The registry key does not exist by default and therefore must be created.

The setting for the Session Timeout could be related to the problem (although the default value should far exceed the timeout). The registry key to add to configure the timeout follows:

KeyRoot: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mail Enable\Mail Enable\Services\WEBMAIL\Options
KeyName: SessionTimeout
Recommended Value: 40 (i.e. 40 minutes)
Notes: The registry key does not exist by default and therefore must be created.

Note: To apply these settings, the Web Server will need to be restarted. This can be done via the Service Control Manager or from the command prompt using IISRESET.


Setting the timeout for web mail sessions:

Session timeout errors immediately when logging into web mail:

Product:MailEnable (ME-1.X Pro-1.X Ent-1.X)
Class:PRB: Product Problem or Issue
Revised:Wednesday, May 4, 2016