If you are experiencing a session timeout instantly when logging into web mail, it is likely that the Web garden (maximum number of worker processes) setting for the MailEnable application pool is not set to 1.
Windows 2003 servers:
Windows 2008 and later servers:
Setting the timeout for web mail sessions: https://www.mailenable.com/kb/viewarticle.asp?&File=me020120.htm
Session Timeout Error when accessing web mail or web admin: https://www.mailenable.com/kb/viewarticle.asp?&File=me020150.htm
Web mail sessions timeout periodically on Windows 2003: https://www.mailenable.com/kb/viewarticle.asp?&File=me020257.htm
After a few minutes, Session Timeout errors occur when accessing web mail: https://www.mailenable.com/kb/viewarticle.asp?&File=me020258.htm
Product: | MailEnable (Pro-Any Pro-1.X Pro-2.X Ent-Any Ent-1.X Ent-2.X) |
Article: | ME020325 |
Module: | WebMail |
Keywords: | session,timeout,IIS,web,mail,webmail,time,out |
Class: | PRB: Product Problem or Issue |
Revised: | Wednesday, January 5, 2022 |
Author: | MailEnable |
Publisher: | MailEnable |