How to migrate to MailEnable from Microsoft Exchange


How to migrate from Microsoft Exchange to MailEnable.


It is easy to migrate messages, contacts, appointments and tasks from Microsoft Exchange as MailEnable includes a migration utility for this. The migration utility is found in the following location within the MailEnable program group:

Start > All Programs > MailEnable > Migration > Migration utility

The MailEnable "Migration Utility" has the ability to allow an almost transparent migration from the Exchange server. The majority of the migration process is automated and all you typically need to do is configure the Exchange EWS URL for the original Exchange server.

When users attempt to login to MailEnable services, the credentials are validated against Exchange, and the mailbox queued for migration via Exchange via Exchange Web Services.

More information on how to utility works and detailed information in regards to each option within the utility can be found within the MailEnable migration utility documentation:

Start > All Programs > MailEnable > Migration > Migration utility documentation

The items that need to be manually migrated are:

  • Lists and List Members (the Exchange resource kit provides utilities to export the lists to tab files, which can then be imported into MailEnable).
  • Groups and Group Membership (the Exchange resource kit provides utilities to export the groups to tab files, which can then be imported into MailEnable).
  • Global contacts



How to copy or migrate my MailEnable configuration from one server to another?:

Product:MailEnable (All Versions)
Class:INF: Product Information
Revised:Wednesday, January 24, 2018