How can I change the branding or customize the login graphics for MailEnable web applications


This article outlines how you can customize both the logo shown on the webmail sign in page and the logo shown in the top left of the browser window after login.


Changing the images is done by placing new graphics in a custom folder on the server in the webmail path. This works on a domain by domain basis.

Customizing the webmail login logo

The login page for webmail allows a logo to be customised based on the URL used. It has to be based on the URL since you don't know the users details until after login. When a browser accesses the sign in page, the server inspects the URL that was used and this URL is parsed and used to see if a custom image is available for the domain.

To add images to the server you put them in the following path. Each skin that is used requires a directory called Custom to be created, and under this directory another directory for the domain, under which the logo image will be placed. For instance, to set a logo for the Default skin:

Mail Enable\Bin\NetWebMail\Mondo\skins\Default\Custom\[company_com]\

In the above example, the domain name in question is, however the period has been replaced with an underscore since IIS will block file paths with .com in them. Do not include the [] characters. MailEnable will also strip sub domains from the URL. So if the webmail is accessed with then the image path will become example_com.

NOTE: In version 4 the path to the skins folder is HooDoo instead of Mondo:

Mail Enable\Bin\NetWebMail\HooDoo\skins\clear\Custom\[company_com]

The images need to be called:

login_logo.jpg - This is the sign in page logo for versions 5 and later of MailEnable. Recommended size is 220x330 pixels.

login-window_logo.gif - This is the sign in page logo for version 4 of MailEnable.

An example:

The URL used to access webmail =

Path on server = Mail Enable\Bin\NETWebMail\Mondo\Skins\Oceano\Custom\domain_com

Another example:

The URL used to access webmail =

Path on server = Mail Enable\Bin\NETWebMail\Mondo\Skins\Mondo\Custom\com


Customizing the branding banner graphic

You also have the ability to replace the MailEnable banner within the webmail screen after a user has logged in. With recent versions of MailEnable the toolbar defaults to using the small version of icons, which does not show the banner. To make the webmail use large buttons and show the banner, use web administration as a SYSADMIN user and disable the small buttons under the setting:

System->Service->WebMail Service->Display

You can enable the custom banner feature through the administration program at the following location:

Servers->Localhost->Services and Connectors->Webmail Properties->General->Enable banner and usage display

If you are using the Enterprise version of MailEnable you are able to upload the banner image through web administration (under the Branding option). The branding for the graphic after logon is slightly different in that it uses the postoffice name to determine the graphic location.  So if you are doing this outside of the web administration program, the path is based on the postoffice name, not the domain used. The web administration branding option cannot do the main login page, since the postoffice is not known until the user logs in. The path to the graphic will be:

Mail Enable\bin\netwebmail\Mondo\skins\[skin]\Custom\[postofficename]\corp_logo.gif


Class:TIP: Product Tip
Revised:Thursday, August 13, 2020