How to create and edit shares.


This article explains how to enable and edit shares within the MailEnable administration console and within the web mail interface. Sharing folders requires MailEnable Enterprise version 3 or later.


Sharing folders within MailEnable Enterprise can be configured in multiple ways. Various access levels can be configured at the postoffice level and mailbox level. The three access level options for web mail sharing are outlined below.

To enable and configure web mail sharing and access levels navigate to the following location within the MailEnable administration console: Servers>localhost>services>Web mail

Step 1:

Within the "Web mail" properties window navigate to the "User" tab and tick the option "Users can create and use shares".

Step 2:

Within the "Web mail" properties navigate to the "Site options" tab. 

Sharing is permitted for all mailboxes:

  • Navigate within the administration console to servers>localhost>services>web mail right click and in the menu select "properties".
  • In the properties window navigate to the "site options" tab and in the "sharing permitted" dropdown menu select "Sharing is available for all mailboxes".

Sharing is permitted per postoffice (for all mailboxes):

  • Navigate within the administration console to servers>localhost>services>web mail right click and in the menu select "properties".
  • In the properties window navigate to the "site options" tab and in the "sharing permitted" dropdown menu select "Sharing is configured per postoffice".
  • Next navigate within the administration console to the postoffice that you would like to enable web mail sharing. Example: Messaging manager>postoffices>(postofficename). Right click on the postoffice and select "properties" in the menu. Next navigate within the properties window to the "web mail" tab.
  • Within the "web mail" properties for the postoffice locate the dropdown menu for "Folder, task and calendar sharing". Set the option to "Sharing is enabled for all mailboxes".

Sharing is permitted per postoffice (for specific mailboxes):

  • Navigate within the administration console to servers>localhost>services>web mail right click and in the menu select "properties".
  • In the properties window navigate to the "site options" tab and in the "sharing permitted" dropdown menu select "Sharing is configured per postoffice".
  • Next navigate within the administration console to the postoffice that you would like to enable web mail sharing. Example: Messaging manager>postoffices>(postofficename). Right click on the postoffice and select "properties" in the menu. Next navigate within the properties window to the "web mail" tab.
  • Within the "web mail" properties for the postoffice locate the dropdown menu for "Folder, task and calender sharing". Set the option to "Sharing is configured per mailbox".
  • Next navigate to a mailbox's properties window and navigate to the "web mail" tab.
  • Select "Sharing is enabled" within the "Folder, task and calendar sharing" dropdown menu.

Once you have enabled and set the desired access level for web mail sharing you can then login to the web mail interface and create and edit shares. The procedures on how to create and edit existing shares are outlined below:


How to create and connect to a shared folder within the MailEnable web mail interface:

  • Login into web mail using credentials for a mailbox that is going to create a share. You will see an additional icon where the "Compose" button resides under the folder tree named "Shares". There will also be an additional "Shares" button within the mailboxes web mail options tree. Click on the "Options>Shares" button to open the "shared resources" window.
  • In the "shared resources" window click on "new share".
  • In the "resource" dropdown menu select a folder that you would like to share, then in the "grant access" section within the "mail user" section, select "mailbox" and type in a mailbox name. Next select "full access" and then click on "grant access button to create the share.

NOTE: When specifying the mailbox name use only the mailbox name and not mailbox@postofficename

  • You can then login to web mail using the mailbox that has been given rights to the shared folder created earlier. Next click on the "Shares" button under the folder tree to open the available shares for the mailbox.
  • In the "Resource to open" list select the "calendar" share you created in the manager's web mail account and click "connect".
  • You will see the available folder share under the mailbox folder tree.

How to remove a shared folder:

  • Login to web mail using the credentials for the mailbox that contains the existing share.
  • Navigate to "options>shares"
  • Click on an existing share in the "shared resources" list.
  • To remove the share click on "unshare".

How to remove users from existing shares:

  • Login to web mail using the credentials for the mailbox that contains the existing share.
  • Navigate to "options>shares".
  • Click on an existing share in the "shared resources" list.
  • To add/remove user's to the share click on the "properties" button.
  • In the "current access" window you will see "remove" buttons beside the user's that have access to the shared resource. Click on the "remove" button to remove the user.



Share resources:

  • [Mailbox] - Connect to an entire mailbox folder tree, including "calendar", "tasks", "Contacts".
  • Inbox - Connect to a user's "inbox" folder
  • Sent Items - Connect to a user's "sent items" folder.
  • Contacts - Connect to a user's "contacts" list.
  • Deleted items - Connect to a user's "Deleted items" folder.
  • Drafts - Connect to a user's "drafts" folder.
  • Tasks - Connect to user's "tasks" list
  • Junk E-Mail - Connect to a user's "Junk E-Mail" folder.
  • Calendar - Connect to a user's Calendar.

Access levels:

  • Read only access - User's will only be able to read folder contents and not authorised to edit a user's tasks, calendar or contacts list.
  • Full access - User's will be authorised to edit folder contents and the ability to edit user's tasks, calendar appointments and contacts list.



Class:HOWTO: Product Instructions
Revised:Wednesday, May 4, 2016