RSS: MailEnable Version 8.52 now available

MailEnable Pty. Ltd. is pleased to announce the release of MailEnable
Standard, Professional, Enterprise and Premium 8.52 .

Recent changes include:

* IMP: Message tracker application has been updated to make it consistent with the version in the MMC
* IMP: MailEnable now adds Auto-Submitted: auto-replied header to auto-responders
* IMP: MailEnable no longer requires .Net 2/3.5 to be installed on systems that support .NET 4 (and later)
* IMP: TinyMCE Editor updated to current release (with various fixes and improvements, mainly related to IE 11)
* IMP: Web security token files were being written to the root of the config directory (this has been moved to a more suitable location)
* IMP: An auto-responder now logs to the postoffice connector debug log that it fired
* FIX: POP Non-SSL connection is made to POP on SSL port does not respect session timeout settings
* FIX: IMAP was returning PERMANENT FLAGS full response for EXAMINE command
* FIX: IMAP IDLE after selecting a mailbox with EXAMINE, notifications are not received for the connection
* FIX: Updated invalid SMTP firewall exceptions on initial install
* FIX: Disabling a list in the MMC via the folder tree does not disable it.
* FIX: Entering local email addresses for the domain properties abuse@, etc in MMC admin causes looping
* FIX: Exception thrown in MMC when changing webmail default postoffice
* FIX: IMAP may not accept connections immediately when service is restarted
* FIX: EAS calendar issues with Samsung devices. Floating time calendar entries (created on Mac) are not displayed on the device
* FIX: SMTP may deliver delay status notifications to some recipients when the message was able to be received (but other recipients failed)
* FIX: BlockFileLock Activity notification handler (WaitForAccessToFile) failed to obtain a lock on the blockfile may be misreported in Windows Event Log
* FIX: MailEnable Indexing service may exhibit high CPU when restarted and may not update its Starting status under the Services control panel applet
* FIX: Windows 8 mobile device via EAS may not display a new contact immediately after it has been added.
* FIX: Disabling a mailbox in new MMC admin is not disabling login
* FIX: Workaround for Cisco SMTP proxy misbehaviour (to overcome problem sending via SMTP proxy)
* FIX: Large UID COPY IMAP command could cause high CPU?
* FIX: ActiveSync Windows Phone may display synchronisation error upon account creation
* FIX: Professional Edition Management Console did not allow you to configure Spell Checking Options

Downloads can be found at

If you have not yet upgraded to version 8 from an earlier version, you can
find trial versions on our web site and upgrade information can be found at

Product: MailEnable
Version: All Versions
Revision Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2014 10:56:09 +1100